last year by Adam
Spell reordering is here! The new Spellbook plugin allows reordering and hiding spells, similar to how prayer reordering works.
Most client notifications can now have their notification style configured per-notification. Compatible notifications will have a cog icon next to the checkbox when enabled which opens the per-notification settings. Notifications without customized settings continue to use the default notification settings found in the RuneLite Notification Settings
configuration section.
Menu entry swapper has a new Teleport submenus
setting which adds submenus for cape teleports. It supports the max, construction, and achievement diary capes. The submenus can also be swapped to be the top option via the usual shift-click swap, allowing easy one click
teleports to any of the various teleports.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
treasure chest
, magic wardrobe
, armour case
, cape rack
, and toy box
- Adam
We had 25 contributors this update!
Adam (34):
hiscores: move activities from skill_icons_small
hiscores: add varlamore
gpu: fix texture hillskew
clues: support wall decorations for ObjectClueScrolls
attack styles: use client enum for looking up weapon attack styles
gpu: fix cl compilation on amd gpus
cache: remove old world map index
ground items: invalidate item cache when quantity changes
devtools: add script args to script inspector
cluescrolls: add tags for remaining costume room storage
rtconfig: add time boxing for outage message
cache: add item examine
Revert "implings: add essence impling spawns"
opponent info: fix npe from hud check
ground items: invalidate item cache when quantity changes
ge: add beta world type
loot tracker: add beta world type
config: add serializers
config: add notification overrides
notifier: remove double shell escaping
pluin panel: fix typo
overlay panel: clear children even if render throws
gpu: add macos retina support
api: add item despawn time
ground items: use TileItem despawn times
gpu: fix animated texture uv overflow
plugins: use new notification system
api: add cs2 arrays
config: show config panel for any plugin with config descriptor
add spellbook plugin
api: add menuAction
menuaction: add widget submenu parent
menu swapper: add teleport submenus
menuentryswapper: remove construction build/remove block
Anton Olsson (1):
clues: remove butterfly jar requirement
Antony Linden (7):
skill calculator: Order actions by level, xp, then alphabetically
skill calculator: Fix mahogany lectern icons
skill calculator: Fix Mithril crossbow enum name
skill calculator: Add Kourend Castle Teleport
skill calculator: Add Juniper logs
skill calculator: Update Rogues' Castle chest xp value
skill calculator: Add Varlamore skill actions and bonuses
Bakkingamu (1):
item charges: add amulet of chemistry notification
Chris Brown (4):
cache: fix label positions in underground areas
cache: fix icons rendering on the wrong plane
cache: add map links
cache: render area labels on the map
DapperMickie (12):
chat commands: add lunar chest aliases (#17700)
skill calculator: Allow multiple bonuses to apply at once
skill calculator: Add Forester's Campfire firemaking bonus
skill calculator: Add Zealot Robes prayer bonus
skill calculator: Fix skill action bonus multiplication
skill calculator: Standardize bonus percentage format
skill calculator: Add Goldsmith Gauntlets smithing bonus
skill calculator: Add felling axe + rations woodcutting bonus
skill calculator: Improve prayer bonus ordering
skill calculator: Improve prayer bonus stacking
skill calculator: Fix Wilderness agility course xp value
skill calculator: Add Wilderness agility tickets
Felanbird (14):
worldmap: add AJP fairy ring
fairyring: add AJP fairy ring
clues: add Valmore clues
clues: fix NO OWNER anagram location
worldmap: add Civitas illa Fortis teleport
runepouch overlay: add sunfire rune image
implings: add essence impling spawns
clues: update SW Kharazi jungle HotCold step
clues: update Cam Torum emote clue
github: link to wiki safemode instructions in bug template
clues: update various varlamore steps
clues: update sunfire fanatic armour step
clues: update south-eastern chaos temple hard clue
chat commands: add more toa normal mode aliases
Frosty-J (1):
boss timers: update chaos elemental respawn time
Hooder (1):
gpu: fix nearest neighbor with integer DPI scaling
JZomDev (1):
hunter: add Embertailed jerboa
Joona (1):
clientui: set frame location after game size (#17621)
Jordan Atwood (11):
worldmap: add varlamore mining spots
worldmap: Alphabetize minigame locations and add test for alphabetization
worldmap: Add test for world point uniqueness
worldmap: add Great Kourend minigames
worldmap: add varlamore dungeons
worldmap: Add sandworms hunter spot
Remove unused Slf4j annotations and imports
timers: Remove tzhaar timer defeat message trigger
skill calculator: Add test for mutually-stacking bonuses
skill calculator: Fix Maple longbow xp value
skill calculator: Use real levels for plank actions
Joshua Dunbrack (1):
regen meter: apply updated lightbearer equipping behavior (#17678)
Macweese (19):
worldmap: add varlamore transports
fishingspot: add varlamore fishing spots
worldmap: add varlamore fishing spots
worldmap: add varlamore rare trees
worldmap: add varlamore patches
worldmap: fix Entrana hops patch location
worldmap: add varlamore minigames
worldmap: add Grand Exchange Games Zone
agility: add varlamore shortcut
worldmap: add varlamore hunter spots
fishing: prevent false positive session
hunter: add varlamore hunter traps
devtools: restore button background on toggle
worldmap: fix quest icons paint cutoff (#17650)
slayer: include zygomites in task weakness config tooltip
minimap: restore map dots on config reset
login screen: add varlamore login screen
game: add isDying override for tutorial island giant rat (#17733)
discord: add varlamore regions
Mario Hendriks (1):
implings: add essence impling spawns
Max Weber (6):
timetracking: add varlamore patches
api: allow cloning face transparencies if they don't exist
api: expose Model::drawOrtho
roofremoval: add Varlamore roofs
rl-client: update ids to 2024-3-27
rl-client: show reveal button on swing password fields
Morgan Lewis (5):
loot tracker: track lunar chest
loot tracker: track fortis colosseum rewards
loot tracker: track hunters loot sacks
timetracking: add additional farming regions for civitas illa fortis (#17602)
widget: make moons of peril overlay movable
Ourmond (1):
idle notifier: Add Ent & Canoe chopping animations
SRLJustin (1):
menuentryswapper: add fortis colosseum to jewellerybox swap
YvesW (4):
farming: fix tracking contracts
farming: fix marcellus protection
surefire: set locale to en_US
world map: add Fortis Colosseum teleport (#17727)
Zander Bolgar (1):
mining plugin: add calcified rocks
capslock13 (3):
game: Add isDying override for bee swarm (#17651)
spec counter: add Tonalztics of Ralos
timers: Fix ElapsedTimer NPE with null start time
cdfisher (2):
skillcalculator: Add Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course
worldhopper: Add High Risk option to world filter.
mopi (2):
opponent info: fix hp bar being shown for moons of peril bosses (#17619)
hitsplat: add doom and burn hitsplats
testing-ongithub (2):
fairyrings: Alphabetize fairy rings and add test for alphabetization
worldmap: Add tests for fairy ring plugin overlap and alphabetization