2 years ago by Adam
RuneLite now supports extended map loading, via a new setting in the GPU plugin
. This setting controls how many additional chunks to load past what is usually the edge of the visible world. Previously your character would have to move close to the edge, within 16 tiles, before the new map area was loaded in. Now, we have increased that gap to 56 tiles!
When combined with our previous work on seamless map loading the world feels like one continuous area.
When zoomed fully out, the total visible area is now up to 184x184 tiles, over three times as many as previously! The max render distance of the GPU plugin has been increased accordingly. This also fixes the black area shown on the minimap when zoomed out and near the world edge.
Note there are a few limitations:
Extended map loading does not work in instances, because there isn't a way to tell what the additional map to load is.
You also may have to do a little exploring first! RuneLite can only load areas that it has seen before.
The right click menu is now scrollable, useful for selecting menu options which are otherwise off screen. Also remember the Collapse ground item menu
option exists which helps with this too.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
or on the overlay has been fixed.We had 30 contributors this update!
Adam (98):
gpu: use clGetGLContextInfoAPPLE on macos
woodcutting: count session logs instead of using xptracker actions
woodcutting: add bark tracking to session
telemetry client: report vm crashes
config manager: disallow keys starting with $
api: fix createProjectile docs typo
ground markers: add color menu option
client: update 2023-07-12-rev214
woodcutting: suppress PMD.UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName
devtools: add menus
player indicators: fix color player menu when using items on players
api: add menu scroll api
inv tags: cache untagged items in tag cache
client: flush output streams before calling fsync
chatbox: include lighting params in item search dedup
client: add launcher updater
api: update 215
client: set jagex.userhome
Revert "music: disable granularSliders"
npc util: add death hider exclusion param
hooks: include stacktrace in error reports
api: worldpoint: use client base x/y instead of scene
agility plugin: code cleanup
hooks: remove npc update deferred eventbus replay
clues: update tests
updater: update launcher to 2.6.7
api: add closeInterface
bank: add option to remove jagex account ad
hiscores: add dt2 bosses
api: correct ItemLayer bottom/top usage
cache: add libbzip2 support
remove cache-client and cache-updater
Revert "attack styles: Prevent errant warning messages"
Revert "attack styles: Flip double-negative config"
Revert "attack styles: Add chat message when switching to warned style"
attack styles: Add chat message when switching to warned style
github: remove placeholder versions from bug template
ground markers: remove rememberTileColor option
chat commands: add dt2 boss aliases
cache: remove unnecessary assert
loot tracker: track whisperer
gpu: don't draw frames during STARTING
chat commands: capitalize dt2 bosses
loot tracker: fix whisperer tracking deaths
loottracker: fix whisperer tracking deaths
cache: ignore libbzip2 test
camera: add option for right click move camera to work even with mouse over objects
hiscore panel: fix crazy archaeologist alphabetization
gpu: ignore buffer swap errors on shutdown
cache: modify Storage api to accept int index/archive
cache: remove archive hash
cache: store: remove unused FileNotFoundException
overlay renderer: don't consume mouse drag events when moving overlays
client: add chat icons api
bank: fix account ad popup blocking clear-all fillers
special counter: remove counter when duke dies
camera: default right click objects to true
chat icons: fix npe if refresh is run too early
slayer: update boss task task lookup
slayer: fix The Phantom Muspah task name
slayer: fix detecting boss task changes
object indicators: add per object higlight style
object indicators: remove remember object colors
ground markers: add reset all color option
loot tracker: fix tracking whisperer deaths v3
loot tracker: update tests
loot tracker: add ancient vault chest
loot tracker: fix tracking whisperer deaths v4
runepouch overlay: use pixel art rune images
hiscores: switch from fsw to dmm tournament
api: add openInterface
object indicators: mark objects on startup
client: update http-api to 1.2.12
item manager: remove wiki fsw prices
config: fix duplicating rsprofile
runepouch overlay: update pixel art images
inventory tags: null check item container
api: add line of sight impl
api: exclude CollisionDataFlag from runtime api
discord: add discord rpc feature flag
ge: add tournament ge world type
loottracker: include loot world id for tournament worlds
object indicators: null check map regions
hiscore: add tournament world to HiscoreEndpoint.fromWorldTypes()
worldutil: fix exception converting tournament world type
ge: exclude active trade price from dmm worlds
api: document gameobject config and hash
gpu: move hillskew to gpu
draw callbacks: remove drawFace
gpu: increase config defaults
gpu: remove sin/cos table from UBO
profiles: add id to logging and log enames
profiles: fix logging id on switch
gpu: use GL_NEAREST for tile height min/max filter
Revert "gpu: remove sin/cos table from UBO"
gpu: reinitialize opencl variables on init
devtools: add tile scene location to overlay
gpu: add extended scene
Chris (1):
loottracker: add support for Bounty crates
Corey Forsyth (1):
groundmarkers: Fix minimap stroke
David Goldstein (1):
util: Complete branch coverage for ColorUtil
Felanbird (4):
clues: Add Abyssal tentacles to Sherlock master challenge
achievement diary: update ardy picklock task
clues: Support Ring of shadows (#16846)
clues: Update Necromancer Tower Master clue hint
Fjara (1):
clues: update ranged attack bonus for Robin master cryptic
Jordan Atwood (23):
woodcutting: Remember session stats after timeout
npc indicators: Fix per-npc highlight menu color
item identification: Add Chambers of Xeric potions
timers: Support all staff of the dead variants
attack styles: Code cleanup
attack styles: Add chat message when switching to warned style
attack styles: Flip double-negative config
attack styles: Prevent errant warning messages
widget overlay: Add the strangler infection overlay
widget overlay: Add sanity overlay
ground markers: Allow setting alpha when recoloring markers
slayer: Add The Fallen Empire boss task entries
boss timers: Add The Leviathan
loot tracker: Fix tracking for The Leviathan
loot tracker: Fix tracking for Duke Sucellus
loot tracker: Fix tracking for Vardorvis
discord: Add Secrets of the North and Desert Treasure 2 areas
ItemMapping: Add Sanguine Torva armor
roof removal: Add Lassar Undercity overrides
clues: Add fairy ring code to hot-cold clue hint
loot tracker: Fix The Leviathan loot tracking
screenshot: Capitalize level up screenshots
loot tracker: Fix chest re-opening detection
LlemonDuck (3):
checkstyle: no trailing whitespace on empty lines
clues: support dynamic locations
clues: dynamic viggora location
Mark7625 (1):
entity hider: Clarify "Hide Pets" option only hides others' pets (#15378)
Max Weber (11):
music: disable granularSliders
music: fix playback not starting on unmute
music: do not enable granular sliders on unrelated configs changing
music: set slider deadtime as intended
client: update carrallangar -> carrallanger
api: add getDBRowsByValue
worldmap: fix quest icons not showing
api: add Animation::getNumFrames
api: expose NpcOverrides
devtools: show NpcOverrides
devtools: fix texture overridden npcs
Mo Ben (1):
npc aggro: fix Show on slayer task
Morgan Lewis (9):
widget overlay: Layout Tempoross lobby interface
widget overlay: Layout GOTR interface
widget overlay: Layout Trouble Brewing interfaces
widget overlay: Layout Shades of Mort'ton interface
widget overlay: Layout Burthorpe Games Room interfaces
widget overlay: Layout Brimhaven Agility Arena interface
widget overlay: Layout Gnomeball interface
widget overlay: Layout Mage Training Arean interfaces
item stats: Fix barbarian mix heal amounts (#16988)
Paul Norton (1):
party: allow custom colors
Phil (1):
chat commands: add calvarion aliases
Reactate (1):
clues: Improve Al Kharid mine emote clue location (#16420)
Ron Young (1):
colorpicker: clamp window position to screen bounds
SirGirion (1):
itemstats: add support for group storage
StephenWolters (1):
herbiboar: always show correct object to search
ThePharros (1):
clues: Add missing fairy ring CJR to Donovan clue
Usman Akhtar (1):
cannon: Add wilderness slayer cave spots
Vendarin (1):
cannon: Add Edgeville Dungeon Moss Giant spot (#16560)
Zupami (1):
achievement diary: update ardy steal chest task
geeckon (1):
cannon: Update Lizardman spot (#14197)
geheur (2):
bank: Support seed vault with search hotkey (#16417)
clues: improve BRUCE CATNAP location and description
iProdigy (1):
docs: update explanation of Varbits.PVP_SPEC_ORB (#16406)
invalidCards (1):
achievement diary: Remove Tree Gnome Village requirement (#16776)
rugg0064 (1):
inventory tags: add colors of equipped items to submenu
sam (4):
fairy rings: add BLS fairy ring.
world map: add BLS fairy ring.
agility: add ice mountain shortcut
world map: add icon descriptions for the stranglewood and lassar city
shi-vy (1):
discord: Indicate safe mode in icon tooltip (#16667)
testing-ongithub (2):
combat level: Show next level info on Character Summary tab (#15876)
combat level: Check "Show precise combat level" config on character summary tab (#16972)