3 years ago by Adam
Since the last blog post I've made a couple behavior changes without a proper blog post explaning them, leading to some confusion. Sorry about that. These changes are:
The boosts plugin gained a new "compact view", which necessitated a new toggle for turning off the existing boosts panel display, which previously was predicated on the infobox on/off toggle. The new "Display panel" option was defaulted to off, assuming most players use the infobox display instead. If you notice the boost panel missing, go into the Boosts information
plugin and enable Display panel
Inventory tags and the left and shift-click configuration for inventory items have moved to the shift-right click menu on the items, similar to how the custom swap settings on npcs, objects, and worn items work. This makes it easier to change these settings quickly and removes the "configuration" mode where you are otherwise unable to interact with the items, which can be inconvienent. Inventory tags now supports an unlimited number of different tag "groups"/colors instead of just 6.
The party ping-tile key was made configurable due to it conflicting with the various new shift-click swaps. To use it, go to the party plugin settings and configure the hotkey.
The farming tracker now tracks patch payments for most trees, fruit trees, bushes. It doesn't work currently with payments to farmers who protect multiple patches, notably allotments. It is denoted via a basket of apples:
It is still possible to see if the patch was composted, since that affects yield regardless of payment, by checking the tooltip.
Last week, we changed the underlying libraries our GPU plugin uses for interfacing with OpenGL. As part of this work, we were able to reduce the minimum OpenGL version required to run the GPU plugin to OpenGL 3.1. If you have a particularly old system which was unable to run GPU prior, it may begin to work now. The previous GPU plugin was made available on the pluginhub as GPU (legacy)
for if you are having issues with the new plugin. Though if you are, particularly if legacy GPU works on your system and the new one doesn't, we would be interested in hearing about it on Discord.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
command has been added to world hop, eg ::hop 351
on seedpacksEnjoy!
- Adam
We had 16 contributors this update!
Adam (61):
menu swapper: always raise menus from low priority to cc_op
npc indicators: add true tile highlight
menu swapper: add global npc shift-click swap
npc indicators: separate sw true tile and regular overlay
party: make ping hotkey configurable
Add rtconfig for excluded dead npcs
Require Attack option for dying npcs
boosts: cleanup
boosts: add compact view
boosts: right justify compact overlay text
party: switch to protobuf
entity hider: remove pvp hiding restriction
npcutil: make rtconfig nullable
api: add server varps
xp drops: test server varbit for prayer active check
menu swapper: add custom shift-click npc swap
menu swapper: add custom shift-click object swap
party: sanitize passphrase inputs
tooltip: don't set overlay bounds when rendering
spec counter: make SpecialWeapon public
antidrag: add cox private chest
spec counter: improve spec hitsplat detection
spec counter: remove instanced region reset
api: switch varc enums to use magicconstant
ping: fix setting rcvtimeo
ping: set SNDTIMEO
client: update remaining getvar references
object indicators: fix exception from under-bridge objects
menu swapper: rename left-click swap configs to reflect they add shift too
menu swapper: default npc shift click walk here to off
menu swapper: add shift click walk here on objects
menu swapper: add shift-click walk here on ground items
spec counter: fix exception from unrecognized spec weapons
loottracker: remove importloot
api: add colortextureoverride
party: exclude null from passphrase generation
boosts: swap back (de)buff icons
boosts: swap (de)buff icons in compat view
boosts: fix compat view negative boosts
world hopper: add hop command
api: exclude dbtable
menu swapper: use shift right click minimenu for setting up item swaps
inv tags: add unlimited tag groups
xptracker: initialize account and world type on startup
clues: make findClueScroll not reset state
clues: avoid checking clue text each tick
change duel arena references to pvp arena
loot tracker: add take-all for seedpacks
menu swapper: prioritize custom swaps over hint arrow
api: mark some tileobject methods as nullable
menu swapper: use left click customization config
menu swapper: sort menus by left then shift
api: remove gameobjectchanged event
api: remove wallobjectchanged event
api: remove groundobjectchanged event
api: remove decorativeobjectchanged event
clues: remove unused tileObjectChangedHandler
Add pvp arena world type
timetracking: add farming payment tracker
hiscore: add pvp arena
hiscore panel: add pvp arena
Chintan Suthar (1):
object indicators: add outline and clickbox highlight options
Hexagon (2):
spec-counter: use npc index instead of id for tracking
spec-counter: reset counter on sotetseg maze
Jordan Atwood (16):
entity hider: Don't hide NPCs which are alive at 0hp
game: Add more NPCs which do not die at 0hp
game: Remove isDying block on transforming NPCs
game: Add Giant rockslug to isDying block list
game: Override isDying for Nex, Alchemical hydra, and Drakes
plugins: Use isDying for loot and boss timer checks
Add rtconfig for forced dead npcs
api: Add Actor#setDead(boolean)
entity hider: Hide nylocas death graphics
game: Fix Alchemical Hydra isDying override ID
game: Fix isDying for transforming NPCs
game: Set Corporeal beast dead on death animation
game: Add isDying special case for Zalcano
npc indicators: Fix NpcUtil uses
npc indicators: Fix dead npc highlight test
HotColdLocation: Fix enemy for South-west of Arandar
Joshua Filby (5):
cache: add ScriptVarType#id
cache: add DBTableDefinition
cache: add DBRowDefinition
cache: add DBTableIndex
cache: add dbtable opcodes
LlemonDuck (7):
party: spelling generatePassphrase
plugin manager: don't load builtin externals from hub
party: unified player status packet
party: extended status packet + player overlay
party: add getMemberByDisplayName
player indicators: highlight party members
npc indicators: Use isDying for dead NPC checks (#15160)
Macweese (1):
game: Add isDying support for Hopeless creature transformations (#15257)
Max Weber (5):
cache/ParamLoader: load types correctly
cache/ScriptVarType: add db row
Update Quests to 2022-6-29
questlist: update for dbtabled quests
gpu: switch to rlawt & lwjgl
MoreBuchus (1):
party: compact status overlay
Paul Norton (2):
player indicators: show fc/cc ranks on friends in minimenu
party: getMemberByDisplayName search by jagex name
Reece Camper (1):
skill calculator: Add ensouled hellhound head to prayer actions (#15064)
Robin (1):
game: Add lizards to isDying block list (#15144)
SirWrain (1):
achievement diary: Fix Kourend elite blood runecrafting task text (#15128)
Spencer Kane (1):
item charges: fix soft clay mining tracking
Timothy J. Aveni (1):
achievement diary: Remove Ghosts Ahoy requirement from Port Phasmatys cannonball task (#15196)
Tomas Slusny (1):
account: send username and sessionid when redirecting to /logged-in page