4 years ago by Adam
We are happy to announce that we have partnered with the RuneScape Wiki to bring more accurate Grand Exchange pricing to the OSRS Wiki. When looking up an item on the wiki, you will now see a View Real-time Prices
button, which, using trades made through RuneLite, will provide a much more accurate representation of the item's current price.
These new prices are updated every few minutes, which is much more frequent than the current Grand Exchange price data, which can be a day or two out of date.
In conjunction with this, the Wiki is providing an API for the real-time price data for developers for free. If you are a developer and have a project or website that uses Grand Exchange price data, check out their API docs here.
We will be updating RuneLite soon to use this data as a source for item pricing, so features such as examining items and bank value will also be more accurate.
- Adam