5 years ago by Jordan
We have added a Zalcano plugin which offers several useful arrow highlights and overlays. Thanks to @Hexagon for this contribution!
The Inventory Tags plugin can now draw an underline as a more subtle option for your tagged items. Thanks to @jualkaup for this feature.
We have added an anisotropic filtering setting to the GPU plugin that makes textures appear smoother and have fewer "jagged" and sharp pixels, especially when zoomed out, as shown in the comparison table below. Thanks to @pacf531 and @Toocanzs for making this feature happen.
GPU anisotropic filtering enabled | GPU anisotropic filtering disabled |
The Item Stats plugin now displays a tooltip for duration effects granted by antipoison potions, anti-fire potions, and the like. Thanks to @MMagicala for this enhancement.
The Mining plugin now displays a session overlay that counts ores mined per hour and throughout the session, along with an indicator of whether you are currently mining. Thanks to @JZomerlei for this addition.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
, tnm
, and
and (n_n)
- Jordan
We had 32 contributors this release!
Adam (26):
tagtabs: split tag search from bank search
tagtabs: close tab when clicking on main bank tab
tagtabs: show tab separators in tag tabs
tagtabs: fix clearing bank search when opening tags
clientui: reset frame position in safe mode
clientui: use contains instead of intersects for screen bounds checking
inventory-grid: show grid when viewing bank
mouse highlight: fix interface tooltips option
menu swapper: update jewellery box clan wars swap to ferox enclave
item stats: add duration tooltips to potions
api: add GraphicsObject finished()
slayer plugin: support new Turael task completion message
mining plugin: rename MiningOverlay to MiningRocksOverlay
mining plugin: add session stats
loot tracker service: use bigint for kill id
gpu plugin: initialize aa fbo handles
xp globes: fix timing out xp globes after no xp is gained
timers plugin: add fight cave and inferno timers
xp globes: remove double globeCache index
http-service: increase loot tracker retention to 90 days
discord: remove DiscordReplyType
discord: add logging to Discord rpc callbacks
party service: prioritize user join handler over plugins
hiscore panel: fix lookup to run on edt
hiscore panel: add names to skill label tooltips
Add Leagues hiscores and update icons for Trailblazer League
Arman Rafian (1):
agility: Improve laps per hour calculation accuracy (#12246)
Blackberry0Pie (1):
fairyring: Add Falo the bard tag to Sinclair Mansion fairy ring (#12030)
Broooklyn (11):
agility: fix Sara GWD obstacle highlights
agility: add GWD crack obstacle highlight
clues: fix apostrophe positioning for Seers' Village
clues: add descriptions for MapClues
clues: update BeginnerMapClue to use MapClue description constants
cannon: Add Meiyerditch Laboratory Bloodveld cannon spot (#12078)
discord: Add castle wars underground region ID (#12075)
agility: Fix prif portal highlighting
clue: Fix K'ril's chamber master clue step plane
chat commands: add Nightmare abbreviations
Item identification: add tablets
Chris Janusiewicz (1):
nmz plugin: add option to send overload notification prior to expire
Cyborger1 (1):
farming: Improve names of Poison ivy and Dwarf weed patches (#12134)
Derek Lopes (1):
Notifier: Disable flash notification when off is selected to prevent stuck flash state
Erik Humphrey (1):
clues: Fix 'Headbang at the exam centre' clue text (#12297)
Henry Darnell (1):
Update deprecated/default Travis configs (#10880)
Hexagon (1):
client: add zalcano plugin
Hydrox (1):
loottrackerclient: log when submitting loot isn't successful
Hydrox6 (1):
mousehighlight: make "drop" not show when interface tooltips are off
JZomerlei (1):
achivement dairy plugin: Add satisfiesRequirement to Requirement (#12265)
Jonathan Charles (1):
menu swapper: add Advisor Ghrim collect swap
Jordan Atwood (6):
OverlayRenderer: Fix overlay resizing logic
HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
slayer: Fix slaughter bracelet proc text
HotColdLocation: Fix Mos Le'Harmless southern bar spot
menuentryswapper: Prefer last-destination on Zanaris fairy ring
ItemIdentification: Fix target teleport definition
Jussi Kauppinen (2):
cooking: Add support for drying sinew (#12184)
inventory-tags: add underline as display option
LA (1):
screenshot: Capture Barbarian Assault high gamble screenshots (#12071)
Landy Chan (1):
prayer plugin: fix time remaining text when greater than 1 hour
LazyScaper (2):
worldmap: Fix Misthalin mystery quest icon position (#12273)
skill calc: add Vyres to thieving calc
MarbleTurtle (2):
EmoteClue: Change location from Digsite to Exam Centre
SkillChallengeClue: Update dragonhide clue text (#12217)
Meeran (2):
ItemMapping: Add Bryophyta's staff (#12286)
ItemMapping: Add Ring of endurance
OneProGoober (1):
emoji: Add XD and pleading emojis (#12203)
RansomTime (1):
task: add Iorweth Warriors to list of targets for elves
SirGirion (1):
loottracker: Add bird nest loot tracking (#12237)
TheStonedTurtle (1):
Dev Tools - Add Inventory Inspector
Toocanzs (1):
gpu: add anisotropic filtering
XrioBtw (1):
PrayerType: Fix BURST_OF_STRENGTH description typo (#12138)
honeyhoney (3):
menuentryswapper: Add Rellekka quick travel NPCs (#12333)
bank: Fix NPE in PostScriptFired subscriber (#12342)
WorldMapOverlay: Adjust tooltip text position to match vanilla tooltips (#12380)
kjartantr (1):
SlayerUnlock: Update varbits enum (#12214)
leejt (2):
loot tracker: track grubby, stone, Dorgesh-Kaan and HAM chests
loot tracker: add metadata field to loot record
melkypie (1):
chatcommands: make cox pb account for 11-15 and 16-23 team sizes
trimbe (2):
bank tags: update detection of active tab for separator removal
bank tags: invoke only the scrollbar update after removing separators