5 years ago by Jordan
The Login Screen plugin now supports changing the login screen background. Choose from any of Old School RuneScape's popular event or update backgrounds or create your own! (you can even use custom backgrounds which are not mirrored) Thanks to @Hydrox6 for adding this feature.
When placing screen markers, you can now click an on-screen widget to automatically select its boundaries! (you can still click and drag to create a custom size marker) Thanks to @melkypie for this submission.
The Chat Filter plugin can now collapse duplicate chat messages. Thanks @CoreyForsyth for adding this enhancement.
Highlighted below are some features which we released in 1.6.15 and 1.6.16:
The Interface Styles plugin has gained
a Menu Alpha
option which lets you make your right-click menu background partially (or if you're
feeling up to a challenge, fully) transparent. Thanks to @dekvall for
this addition.
We have changed the highlight and notify behavior of the Ground Items
plugin. The Highlight > value
option has
been removed. Ground items now use the configured highlight color if they are highlighted, or use
the appropriate tier value color otherwise. Additionally, a Notify >= Tier
option has been added
to help configure how valuable an item drop must be to trigger a notification. Thanks to
@Hydrox6 for his care in building a flexible solution we hope all
users will enjoy.
You can now customize the background color of overlays and infoboxes. Thanks to @TheStonedTurtle for this feature addition.
The Clue Scroll plugin overlay now displays which enemy you will encounter. Thanks to @TrevorMartz for this addition.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Jordan
We had 42 contributors these past releases!
Adam (15):
loottracker: stack clue scrolls in the ui instead of at loot receive time
npc indicators: verify compoistion id of tagged npcs
client: add option to force client to front on notification
Revert "npc indicators: verify compoistion id of tagged npcs"
npc indicators: don't memorize npcs in instances
attackstyles: use script event for hiding attack styltes
minimap: use script event for hiding minimap
ge plugin: add buy limit reset timer
wintertodt plugin: add option to disable overlay
keyremapping: use modified key map for mapping key release
plugins: add Plugin::getName
infobox manager: make threadsafe
chathistory: small cleanups of clear history
cache: diable some long-running tests
api: finish some thoughts in callbacks javadoc
Alexsuperfly (2):
loot tracker: use chest events for gauntlet loot
screenshot plugin: add gauntlet loot screenshots
Anthony Alves (1):
chat-history: add option to clear history for all chatbox tabs (#11543)
Austin Lee (1):
Add gnome bench to construction skill calculator
Benjamin Stepp (1):
itemmappings: adds nightmare staves
Broooklyn (3):
cluescrolls: Update Iron Man Tutor cipher clue (#11593)
loottracker: Improve ignored events config name and description (#11545)
cluescrolls: Fix "jewellery" clue hint spelling (#11673)
Corey Forsyth (2):
chatfilter: add collapse duplicate chat option
chatfilter: add option to block repeated public messages
Damen (1):
screenshot plugin: block untradeable drops within the Gauntlet
Daniel (1):
item prices: always show tooltip when alching if option is enabled
Hydrox6 (7):
ground items: move repeated notify code into notifyHighlightedItem
ground items: remove Highlight > Value
ground items: add Notify >= Tier
clues: add brutal green dragon variant to cryptic clue
gpu: add warning message to compute shaders option
api: add support for setting login screen and fire rendering
login screen: add custom login screen support
Jan-Willem de Bruyn (1):
skillcalculator: Add clay crafting items (#11518)
Jesse Serrao (1):
itemstats: Add bounty hunter blighted food/pots (#11550)
Jordan Atwood (5):
HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
loot tracker: Use "an" prefix for monster names starting with vowels
examine: Move price lookups off executor
itemmanager: Canonicalize price lookup item IDs
client: Simplify ItemContainer usage
Kyle Shepherd (2):
worldhopper: Change `showSidebar` option name to 'Show world switcher sidebar' (#11537)
itemidentification: Change Combat Potion short name from 'D' to 'C' (#11566)
Lotto (1):
player-indicators: don't decorate non-player custom menu options
Malfuryent (1):
report button: add ability to switch between 24h and 12h clock
MarbleTurtle (1):
chathistory: Fix copy to clipboard not appearing on friend messages (#11527)
Matthew Kramer (1):
metronome: add independent volume configuration
Max Weber (3):
npcunaggroarea: split color config depending on timer status
ItemManager: only canonicalize notes
HotkeyButton: allow binding the space key
Melky (2):
agility plugin: add config for Prifddinas portal color
screenmarker: add ability to put screen markers around widgets (#11552)
Mitchell Kovacs (1):
menu swapper: add enter-corrupted gauntlet swap
Rachel M (1):
screenshot: Add option to take screenshot on clan chat kick
Rangvaldr (1):
discord: Update activity message while playing PVP or DMM (#11522)
RobertCurll (2):
skillcalculator: Add comma separators to experience fields
skillcalculator: Add needed experience tooltip
Ron Young (1):
object indicators: fix NPE thrown on logging in on a marked object
ThePharros (2):
item stats: Add Dragonfruit Pie
itemcharges: Add Magic Essence and Super Strength potion doses (#11634)
TheStonedTurtle (2):
loot tracker: Fix "Show each kill separately" view
Make background color of panel components configurable (#11619)
Tim van Rossum (1):
boosts: Add option to disable boost threshold notifications (#11668)
Tinus Flagstad (1):
keyremapping: add option to remap space in dialog
Tomas Slusny (1):
Use multiplicative color offsets for BackgroundComponent border (#11658)
Trevor (1):
raid plugin: fix plugin not reseting when prescouting raids
Trevor martz (2):
clue plugin: add enemy info to overlay
cluescrolls: remove sara wizard from duel arena step (#11648)
Trey (2):
cluescrolls: Add jungle traversing info to dragon's eye clue
cluescrolls: Add Dragontooth Island travel info to clue
Vidyogamasta (1):
loot tracker: float group to top of list when obtaining drop
bfmoatbio (2):
Allow non-degraded barrows equipment for clue step
menu manager: Remove bounty hunter emblem text from player name (#11541)
cscullen (1):
loottracker: Add seed pack loot tracking
dekvall (1):
interfacestyles: add support for menu alpha
geheur (1):
menu swapper: add swaps for buy and sell
jesse1412 (1):
tileindicators: Add server side current tile indicator
loldudester (3):
client: Make toggle sidebar hotkey configurable
client: Add configurable hotkey to toggle plugin panel
keyremapping: Don't remap f-keys when the bank pin interface is open
melkypie (4):
itemcharges: show potion doses
report button: add clock tag
chatcommands: fix chambers of xeric pb tracking
chatcommands: add tob personal best tracking
trimbe (1):
bank tags: clear remembered search when the active tag tab is clicked