5 years ago by Jordan
Overlays, such as panels and screen markers can now be resized by holding Alt and dragging their edges/corners. Thanks to @deathbeam for adding this feature.
The Infobox wrap count
setting has been removed from RuneLite's config. You can resize the
infobox container to achieve the same effect, as shown below. If you previously had Infobox wrap count
set to a value other than 4, you will have to alt-drag and resize the overlay to cause the infoboxes to
wrap again at the desired number. Also, as was the case prior to this release, you can reset an overlay's
position and size using Alt and right-clicking the overlay.
The Grand Exchange plugin now has an option to use fuzzy searching, allowing you to search abbreviations or imprecise spellings to find items. Thanks to @dennisdev for this great enhancement!
The Prayer plugin now has an option to replace your prayer points display in your prayer orb with the time remaining until your prayer points expire. Thanks to @dekvall for this feature.
The Anti Drag plugin has been updated to remove the requirement of the Shift key when
outside of PVP scenarios. An On Shift Only
option has been added to the plugin, which must be
enabled to work both in and outside of PVP.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
Screenshot Friend Deaths
option enabledEnjoy!
- Jordan
We had 31 contributors this release!
AaronPoon (1):
agility: highlight 'Stick' in Werewolf Agility Course
Adam (14):
world controller: return service unavailable if world list isn't loaded
feed controller: return service unavailable if feed isn't loaded
client session manager: fix detecting logged in state
speccounter: fix some bugs and edge cases
stretchedmode: copy mouse event consumed flag when translating mouse events
client: add config option for blocking extra mouse buttons
party plugin: play sound effects on client thread
hooks: use monotonic clock for main loop tasks
item service: remove old item searching and item lookup methods
antidrag: add option to disable in pvp
worldhopper: skip over almost full worlds
screenshot plugin: fix screenshot friend deaths to not screenshot own death
emoji plugin: load emojis on client thread
devtools: add infobox generator
Alexsuperfly (1):
OverlayRenderer: prevent moving DYNAMIC and TOOLTIP overlays
Brandt Hill (1):
fishing: Check player animation to update fishing status
Crow (2):
NPC Agression Timer: fix typo in notification
Add eternal teleport crystal value offset
Daniel (1):
questlist: Ensure filter has non-null state on startup
Dennis (1):
ge plugin: add fuzzy search option
Deon Zhao (1):
loottracker: Track herbiboar loot with an open herb sack
Hydrox6 (8):
clues: update Immenizz's master clue to reflect his NPC's name change
api: add gilded axe animation
woodcutting: add support for gilded axe
idle notifier: add support for gilded axe
wintertodt: add support for gilded axe
api: add gilded pickaxe animations
idle notifier: add support for gilded pickaxe
motherlode: add support for gilded pickaxe
Jordan Atwood (5):
boosts: Hide restore timer when no boosts are visible
woodcutting: Reduce visibilities, mark Nullables
woodcutting: Add axe animation matching helper method
woodcutting: Fix overlay hiding during long chop delays
HotColdLocation: Center some location spots
Lewis (1):
music plugin: add option to mute prayer sounds
Lotto (4):
api: remove Follow and Trade menu actions
player-indicators: break out decorating code into own methods
player-indicators: move menu logic to ClientTick
player-indicators: highlight the 'Walk here' menu entry too
Lucas Snel (1):
combatlevel plugin: add option for showing precise combat level
Magic fTail (1):
chatmessagemanager: use default timestamp if none is provided
Max Weber (13):
grounditems: manually match item thresholds
grounditems: make priceChecks threadsafe
grounditems: reset on the executor thread
Notifier: Reuse Clip instances
http-api: remove unused fields from NPCInfo
kourendlibrary: don't throw npe when starting on the login screen
runelite-client: update ItemID references
runelite-api: add stopNow to cleanly shutdown the client
eventbus: make higher priority events fire first
camera: add option to invert camera mouse controls
runelite-client: add ClientShutdown event
grounditems: don't crash when having a duplicate highlight value
FlatTextField: forward focus requests to children
Morgan Lewis (1):
worldmap: Fix slayer ring teleport location
Robert Nönnig (1):
prayer: Hide prayer flick indicator when minimap is hidden (#11138)
Sean Dewar (4):
runenergy: update graceful recovery rate logic
music: slider volume percentage tooltips
camera: zoom slider tooltip & zoom constants
music: revalidate slider handle on creation
SirGirion (1):
emoteclue: Replace vamb with vambraces in clue text
TheFlemoid (1):
WidgetOverlay: Use TOP_RIGHT anchor for LMS widgets
TheStonedTurtle (2):
nightmarezone: Fix area check to exclude KBD lair
discord: Fix NMZ area check to exclude KBD lair
Thomas (1):
slayer plugin: add Jormungand's Prison task location
Tomas Slusny (7):
Reset repositioned tooltip overlays
Mock ConfigManager in ItemStatOverlayTest to inject TooltipManager
Add support for resizable overlays
Make overlay resizing configure wrapping
Add OverlayPanel that contains PanelComponent
Make overlays use OverlayPanel instead of Overlay
Skip processing of input listeners with consumed events
Trevor (1):
loot tracker plugin: submit loot on client shutdown (#11243)
Tyler Davis (1):
swingutil: Set button tooltip text in addModalTooltip
Unknown (1):
Update Plugin Hub risk label
dekvall (1):
prayer: display prayer time remaining in prayer orb
jostn (1):
HotColdLocation: Center Rimmington mine dig location
rfick (2):
kourendlibrary: Indicate books not in inventory
kourendlibrary: Show a hint arrow above target book
trimbe (1):
bank plugin: improve responsiveness of bank searches
ypperlig (1):
barrowsplugin: fix null pointer exception in region check