6 years ago by Jordan
The Menu Entry Swapper plugin can now swap the "Pickpocket" menu option with the "Talk-to" menu option for all NPCs, not just H.A.M members. (With the exception of NPCs who can be blackjacked)
The Low Detail plugin will now reload your current scene when toggled on or off to apply the changes immediately without requiring a re-log.
The Screenshot plugin's Upload setting now allows you to optionally copy the screenshot image to your clipboard when taken. Thanks to @Alexsuperfly for this contribution.
The Fishing plugin no longer draws duplicate sprites for stacked fishing spots of the same type.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Jordan
We had 12 contributors this release!
Adam (24):
Revert "Merge pull request #9354 from Toocanzs/centroid-fix"
xptracker: fix calculating xp offset from offline xp
api: add accessor for GameState state
api: add setGameState
low memory plugin: run changeMemoryMode on game thread
overlay renderer: fix drawing overlay drag bounds
authfilter: cache sessions
loot tracker: batch loot submissions
ui: center fatal error dialog on screen
rs: validate loaded config
slayer plugin: update desert lizards task to lizards
low memory plugin: set low memory mode after startup
gpu plugin: require high detail textures
fishing plugin: deduplicate spot overlay color logic
fishing plugin: don't render the same fishing spot twice
fishingspot: don't expose spots map
api: remove unused Query class
menu entry swapper: expand talk-to/pickpocket swap to non-blackjack npcs
Fix some typos
config manager: overwrite defaults when unable to unmarshall values
screenshot plugin: add screenshot to clipboard
runecraft plugin: check config group before updating config
examine plugin: combine identical widget cases
examine plugin: add seed box
Alexsuperfly (5):
slayer plugin: fix unknown tasks not decrementing counter
slayer: correct Vampyre task spelling
slayer: add additional target names to Vampyre task
clues: fix port sarim easy stash plane location
clues: fix wizards tower bridge plane location
Daniel Bolink (1):
Update Western Provinces Diary Step after SOTE update
Hydrox6 (8):
clues: correct "Has no one told you it is rude to ask a lady her age?"
clues: Fix Bryophyta's staff having no name
clues: fix names for skilling outfits
gpu: fix MSAA white pixels
agility: fix objectid for Arandar lvl 85 obstacle
runecraft: fix layer of AbyssOverlay
clues: fix abyssal head recognition
death indicator: add prifddinas
Jordan Atwood (1):
slayerplugin: Fix first slayer kill not being registered
Quasindro (1):
skybox: add Braindeath Island
Ron Young (1):
ChatboxItemSearch: fix null name check
TheStonedTurtle (2):
itemskeptondeath: fix avernic defender price
ItemsKeptOnDeath - Add missing salve (ei) price offset
Thomas Cedeno (1):
clues: add agility and max capes to graceful set
chestnut1693 (1):
boosts: add config to not display combat boosts
dekvall (4):
Add Nullable to Actor::getName
Fix NPE in groundmarker plugin
Add Nullable to Client::getLocalPlayer
Add Nullable to widget dragging methods
xDemoN (4):
item mapping: add bird nest variations
timers: update imbued heart to reset on death
agility: add missing ladder to prifddinas
emote: change "stomp" to "stamp"