6 years ago by Adam
The loot tracker now has collapsible loot boxes, and can also track loot from the Kingdom of Miscellania
The clue plugin now supports Sherlock challenge clues
A loading splash screen was added which shows the client load progress when it is starting. It also includes better error handling, so if the client fails to start it will show a prompt with the reason and possible resolution steps.
A launcher release is planned soon to include a similar themed loading screen, and the improved error handling.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
We are aware of the client pauses common in the demonic gorilla cavern. Some optimization work has gone into this release which should reduce the frequency of the pauses. We hope this combined with the upcoming launcher release, which includes a newer version of Java with increased performance characteristics, will solve this issue for most players.
- Adam
We had 24 contributors this release!
15987632 (2):
hot cold clues: center northern blast mine dig location
hot cold clues: center eastern part of piscatoris hunter area dig location
Adam (18):
client: cache and reuse Graphics
client: cache config values
slayer plugin: validate !task name and location
slayer plugin: fix task lookup test
keyremapping: fix race with sending messages and clearing chat input
config service: return status based on whether set/unset were successful
config service: add test for parseJsonString
config service: validate config values
xptracker: update lastXp after submitting xp gains
xptracker: move initialization until after login
xptracker: support xp gains when offline
cml plugin: fix request throttling
http-service: use jndi provided mongo
http-service: remove inferred destroy method on mongo client bean
osbuddy client: update exchange summary location
osbuddy client: set UA to RuneLite
overlay renderer: reduce graphics properties copying
overlay renderer: remove unnecessary color resetting
Alexsuperfly (10):
clues: add RUE GO anagram
clues: add Lady Trahaearn cryptic
clues: add elvish onions cryptic
clues: update bow near Lord Iorwerth emote
clues: add bow in the Iorwerth camp emote
clues: add beckon by crystalline maple trees emote
agility: update prif last obstacle exp
agility: update prif whole course exp
skill calc: update prif course
clues: update Falo crystal bow items
Brady (1):
skill calc: Add four dose stamina to herblore calculator (#4689)
Daniel (1):
Loot Tracker: Allow loot boxes to be collapsed (#9439)
Daniel Bolink (2):
achievmentdiary: Update Ardougne Hard diary text (#9551)
loot tracker: add Kingdom of Miscellania
David (2):
skill calc: Add Dragon bolts (#9552)
ge: Add item limits for redwood and celastrus seeds/saplings (#9476)
Dylan Smith (1):
cluescrolls: Add the new General Hining cryptic clue (#9613)
Gustavo Rodrigues (1):
hunter: Add support for ferrets (#9524)
Hydrox6 (8):
idle notifier: notify when adding feathers or heads to shafts
Move Item Requirement code from EmoteClue to its own sub-package
Add support for named AllRequirementsCollections
Add support for Challenge Clues
clues: remove mis-categorised skill challenge
item prices: show alch price while selecting item to alch
item prices: show alch price when alching with Explorer's Ring interface
Add new crystal equipment IDs to the Item Mapping
Ian Gibson (1):
clue plugin: update Monk camp clue location
Jordan Atwood (1):
hotcold: Center level 5 wilderness location
Krysa (1):
agility shotcuts: add Isafdar tripwire
Max Weber (8):
ClanManager: handle startup with an empty cache
runelite-api: Annotate script ids with their argument counts
runelite-api: allow runScript to take a plain Object...
runelite-client: Call scripts with the correct number of arguments
runelite-client: Add loading splash screen
runelite-client: Make RuneLiteProperties fully static
runelite-client: Add fatal error dialog
runelite-client: Bypass Jagex load balancer if we can't connect
Maxwell Chow (1):
discord: Fix spelling errors in Discord status locations (#9615)
Nate Brown (1):
slayer plugin: add Sarachnis task
Ron Young (1):
colorpicker: force hex color to update on window close
TheStonedTurtle (2):
Fix BrokenOnDeathItems death value by adding repair price
menuentryswapper - Add volcanic mine entrance to swapQuick
Tomas Slusny (1):
Snapshot all grahics2d properties in safeRender
Toocanzs (1):
fix MSAA white pixels
dekvall (7):
Disable inventory grid if the dragged item is removed
attack styles: fix NPE in overlay
attack styles: fix hide styles on weapon change
loottracker: remove timestamp from LootTrackerRecord
loottracker: fix order on client reload
examine plugin: remove examine value for coins
mining plugin: fix respawn timers in misc and resource area
tortuga69 (2):
grandexchange: Add Forthos Dungeon item buy limits (#9540)
Add support for Trollweiss Mountain Cave agility shortcut (#9543)
trimbe (6):
gpu plugin: fix camera effects used for drunkeness and fishing trawler
api: remove devtools annotation and rename setSetting
bank tags: use setVarbit instead of setVarbitValue
bank tags: properly open saved tab
hot cold: center 'west of farming guild' location
world map: correct canvas bounds location and clip tooltips properly
xdesr (1):
item stats: add divine potions