6 years ago by Adam
The xp tracker plugin can now add the xp tracker panels to the game canvas, allowing you move them around like any other overlay:
An emoji plugin was added, which when enabled, replaces common and not-so-common
emoticons such as :)
with emoji images in game chat. You can find a complete
list of supported emoji and their triggers
on our wiki
A smelting plugin was added, which works similar to the woodcutting plugin, and keeps track of how many bars and cannonballs you have smelted as well as whether or not you are currently smelting.
The barrows plugin now has a prayer drain timer which tracks how long until the next barrows prayer drain.
The blast furnace plugin now has a foreman fee timer for those under 60 smithing.
Finally, the cooking plugin now has a wine ferment timer
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Adam
We had 21 contributors this release!
15987632 (4):
chat message manager: don't send messages on tutorial island
daily tasks plugin: tidy up if statements
daily tasks plugin: make less config options on by default
daily tasks plugin: fix broken if statement
Abex (1):
Remove references to zeah houses (#8692)
Adam (8):
Revert "npcindicators: Add option to highlight NPC name in right click menu (#8673)"
npcindicators: Add option to highlight NPC name in right click menu
cooking plugin: rename session to cooking session
cooking plugin: add wine ferment timer
chat: ensure queued messages are always cleared after adding
party plugin: add partyinfo debug command
party service: check joins are for the current party
client: use immutablemap for maps built in class initializers
Alec Mikell (1):
Fix Hot/Cold Misthalin Location Spelling Error
Brandon White (1):
blast furance plugin: add foreman fee timer
JZomerlei (1):
itemstats: Add missing CoX fish, fix Leckish fish healing value (#8831)
John Kryspin (1):
fishing plugin: fix trawler timer with one tick left
Jordan Atwood (2):
western diary: Fix elf pickpocket quest requirement
game timers: Don't remove antipoison effects on death
Justin (1):
clue scroll plugin: fix typo in Arnold Lydspor clue (#8832)
Lotto (12):
ba: use equipment ItemContainer instead of PlayerComposition
xp tracker: display >1m exp with thousandths precision
ui: add SplitComponent
xp tracker: show on canvas
xp tracker: add start and goal levels to on-canvas tracker
xp tracker (onscreen): add toggle between displaying XP Left/XP Gained
xp tracker: add right-click configure on on-screen trackers
client: format enum config options as "Config Opt" instead of CONFIG_OPT
client: remove overrides in config enums with same converted name
client: add BufferedImage -> IndexedSprite converter to ImageUtil
client: change ClanManager to use ImageUtil image converter
client: add emoji plugin
Lucas (1):
Aggro area: only add a timer if the time left isn't negative
Macweese (1):
agility shortcuts: fix north Arceuus Dense essence mine shortcut
Ryan H (1):
barrows plugin: add prayer drain timer
Stephen Zhu (1):
client: add smelting plugin
Tomas Slusny (3):
Add options for actions left and done for on screen XP
Add loop timer infobox
Use LoopTimer in Barrows plugin
Ville Kopio (1):
combatlevel plugin: fix prayer levels until combat level calculation
Vincent Sevilla (1):
notifier: Log notifications to console in debug mode (#8805)
William Collishaw (1):
Upgrade git commit id plugin from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6
seandewar (2):
constants: add GAME_TICK_LENGTH and use where needed
regenmeter: add option to notify before next hp regen
xDemoN (1):
idlenotifier: add plank-make
xdesr (2):
widget item overlay: add seed vault inventory
Remove gray pixel from Dragon Scimitar cursor (#8725)