The loot tracker now remembers loot between client sessions if you are logged in with a RuneLite account.


An object marker plugin which lets you mark most game objects by holding shift and right clicking was added.


The xp tracker plugin now shows intermediate progress markers for each level, if you have a goal set which spans multiple levels.


There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fix FPS loss from clickbox calculation introduced in the previous release which was most noticeable in the herbiboar area
  • Add Chaos Altar to Prayer calculator
  • Add wilderness cannon spots to cannon plugin
  • Add Flax and Bonemeal options to Daily Task plugin
  • Add weiss agility obstacles
  • Add farming patch type to tooltips on world map
  • Add barbarian mix timers to Timers plugin
  • Improve performance of full screen overlays with GPU on (zammy godwars, underwater, etc.)


- Adam

New commits

15987632 (1):
      grand exchange plugin: add ge limits

Adam (23):
      xp tracker: limit lookups to most 1 per 3 seconds
      xp tracker: clean up imports
      loottracker client: close response body
      xp tracker: add index on xp.time
      Remove old session service and replace usages with new one
      account service: readd wscount endpoint
      loot tracker service: fix getting loot records
      xtea service: add cache for recently tried keys
      xtea service: split into xtea controller and service
      ui: cleanup progress bar
      api: mark getClickbox as nullable
      herbiboar plugin: optimize object and tunnel overlays
      Revert "perspective: use Path2D for construction instead of area in get2DGeometry"
      loot tracker service: expose method to delete loot records
      loot tracker service: remove type argument from delete
      loot tracker client: add get and delete methods
      loot tracker plugin: support saving loot tracker data across restart
      model data mixin: move lighting model log message to trace level
      api: add constant for map region size
      account service: publish login responses to redis too
      discord service: prevent event handlers from being gc'd
      clue scroll plugin: correct usage of getImpostor
      screenshot plugin: fix to paint client ui from EDT

DannysPVM (2):
      Add null-check for target tile in GroundMarkersPlugin (#7112)
      Add null-check for target tile in ObjectIndicatorsPlugin (#7115)

Henry Darnell (1):
      Add Chaos Altar to Prayer calculator (700% xp) (#7098)

Honestidade (1):
      Add wilderness cannon spots to cannon plugin (#7026)

Hydrox6 (1):
      Add Flax and Bonemeal options to Daily Task plugin

Jake Schaum (1):
      Fix ItemStats/ItemStatOverlay Typos "substracted" to "subtracted"

Jakob Ankarhem (1):
      Add ntermediate progress markers for xptracker plugin (#6895)

Jordan Atwood (1):
      experiencedrop: Maintain active prayer per tick

Lotto (1):
      gpu: limit msaa samples to supported value

Max Weber (3):
      gpu: Use premultiplied alpha
      gpu: Fix stretched mode with global premul alpha
      loottracker: Don't build the panel 1000 times when downloading loot

Robbie McLeod (1):
      Clear search bar when switching between skill calculators

Robin Withes (1):
      Add weiss agilility obstacles (#7123)

Tomas Slusny (3):
      Update Discord library to latest version
      Flip state and details in Discord status
      Add object marker plugin

TorkelV (1):
      Add farming patch type to tooltips on world map (#7105)

William (1):
      Add missing sanfew serums to the prayer dose indicator. (#7131)

jakespeare (1):
      Split pause/unpause all to separate options in XpTrackerPlugin (#7076)

tanlines (1):
      Add barbarian mix timers to Timers plugin (#7088)