7 years ago by Jordan
Minimap icons have been added for wilderness obelisk teleports and achievement diary set item teleports. Thanks to @raiyni for contributing these icons.
Several agility shortcuts and obstacles have been added to the agility shortcut highlighter.
There are also several smaller improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Jordan
We had 15 contributors this release!
Adam (16):
wasd plugin: pass through shift and escape
wasd plugin: disable key listener if not logged in
wasd plugin: pass through ctrl, alt, and tab
wasd plugin: allow input to chat dialogs
wasd plugin: fix slash to talk
wasd plugin: check chatbox input widget visibility to determine if a dialog is open
wasd plugin: release same keychar as pressed when changing to typing mode
wasd plugin: allow input to world map search when focused
mixins: fix friend manager mixin to implement friend manager
corp plugin: deprioritize attack option on dark energy core
barrows plugin: fix double counting price of coins
pest control plugin: move portal text overlay underneath progress bar
pest control plugin: cleanup & lombokize
corp plugin: fix losing track of corp when it spawns during loading
agility plugin: fix brimhaven timer resetting when failing obstacles
ge plugin: more reliably show actively traded price
ItsSebas (3):
Add other side of Falador grapple wall highlight (#5028)
Add missing agility shortcut near North River Salve (#5048)
Add boss skill screenshots (#5030)
Jamy C (2):
TimeTracking: Refactor time parsing and add tests (#5050)
TimeTracking: Add support for intuitive time notations like "1h 30m 10s"
Jordan Atwood (3):
timers plugin: Add fall/winter DMM teleblock timers
screenmarker plugin: Remove extra images
Lotto (1):
worldhopper: fix spam in chatbox when trying to open switcher in bank
Magic fTail (4):
Add Bastion and Battlemage potions
Fix KBD respawn timer
Add debugging to npc highlighter plugin
Change boss kill screenshot naming
Robbie McLeod (1):
Fix sidebar hotkey leaking into game client
Ron Young (4):
Add wilderness obelisk teleport spots on map (#4937)
Fix pest control shield state checks (#4977)
Add ardougne cloak map teleport icons (#4998)
Add Missing Achievement Diary Teleport Map Icons (#5027)
Sebastiaan (1):
Add Fossil Island underwater agility obstacles (#5055)
Tomas Slusny (4):
Omit empty strings in NPC indicators
Add tests for parsing NPC list
Make pressing BkSPACE with empty chat exit chat
Remove unused Objects import in AgilityPlugin
astaninger (1):
Fix fire surge icon and remove redundant smithing entries (#4979)
gandalfthegoat (1):
add the fairy ring CKS to speak to Ulizius cryptic clue step
psikoi (2):
Add activity priority to world list
Fix activity ordering incosistency
trimbe (1):
wasd plugin: use clientscript to determine what input to block